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Mentoring in Higher Education

This class is required for all of our mentors. When I took over the UNST mentor program as interim director, we decided to split the duties of mentor director between two faculty, J.R. Estes headed up the hiring and training for all undergraduate mentors, and I took over the hiring and training for all graduate mentors. I met some absolutely fabulous graduate students from all over the PSU campus. It was a delight to work with them, and to lead the mentor program into a new era. I still work closely with our new Director of the Mentor Program, Dana Lundell and Director of First Year Programs J. R. Estes. 

This course is meant to prepare mentors for meeting the needs of our diverse student body. Our graduate mentors usually work with faculty from outside of their own programs of study, unlike a traditional Teaching Assistant; they are trained to assist with teaching writing skills, working in groups and presentation skills.


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Coming Soon! 


Girls Gone Wild: Women in American Cinema

This course will consider how images of women have been commodified and disseminated in and by film. Reading such classics as Laura Mulvey’s “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” we will examine the ways in which the image of women on the silver screen has had profound political and social consequences for women in all walks of life. We will also discuss the history of restraining and policing female film stars in attempts to make them conform to hegemonic patriarchal socio-political views.

WS 410

The History of Sexualities

This course investigates the construction of sexual identities, desires and practices as they have developed and changed within European and North American history. Specifically, we will look at regulatory practices designed to contain sexualities through family planning practices, marriage laws, scientific studies of sexualities and the opposing subversive practices that have arisen in the wake of attempts to define and regulate sexualities. Finally, we will also examine the performances, practices and desires, characteristic of a wide variety of sexualities in the United States as well as in other cultures. 






History of Sex

.We-Wah, a Zuni Berdache, from New Mexico, who was born biologically male but lived as a Two Spirit woman.

To learn more about the Two Spirit or "Bedarche" traditions of First Nation peoples click on the image above

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